
Learning How To Make Gel Candles

What draws most people to the art of candle making is gel candles. They are perhaps the most eye candy of all candles. Though they are new Syma S022 entrants to the candle wax family, gels have gained immense popularity among candle makers, both old and new ones. They are ideal for different shapes and can hold all kinds rc helicopter discount of fragrances.A gel contains 95% oil and 5 % resin. This 5 percent resin makes it different from wax. Gel comes in three different densities. Low density gels cannot hold a higher amount of fragrance oil. A higher density wax can hold more oil and hence more fragrance. However a higher density wax takes longer to melt.The term melting means a different thing for gels. Gels do not melt the way waxes do. When heated, they simply change their state to a less solid one; they become syrupy. This is when they can be molded. The temperatures that are required to attain such a state cannot be achieved by a double boiler. You have to heat the gel directly on the heat source. One has to be careful when doing this, as gel is highly inflammable and can easily catch fire if men clothings the temperature exceeds 220 degree Fahrenheit.Gel candles are made for pure eye candy pleasure. They can hold suspended objects in them. The higher the density, easier it would be to make an object stay suspended. A gel can be easily colored. Different kinds of dyes can be used. Since they are transparent, color variations can be achieved throughout the length of the candle. A little amount of dye is all that is required for coloring candles.Colorful, aromatic and attractive, gel candles are every candle maker's favorite. Learning how to make gel candles is not very difficult once you have learnt how to make simple paraffin candles.